Des nouvelles d’Irena Ossola

« Dear friends of Irena,

Since Irena’s move to the Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital, she has been making remarkable progress in all the therapies she has been receiving. Mary Kate, Ronne, and Karen have been so graciously attentive and kind to all of Irena’s needs to make her better.

Unfortunately, a few days ago another broken bone, the scaphoid, was discovered in her left wrist, and at the same time the right hand thumb was found badly dislocated. As mentioned in a previous post, her left thumb needed surgery to put it back in its proper place.

Today December 7th, Irena was taken to UNM Hospital Osis Center for surgeries on both hands. The orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mercer performed both operations and so far everything seem to have gone perfectly. Now, she has to wear special casts to keep her hands immobile which is necessary for a proper recovery. Just recently, Irena’s has started to remember her daily activities. After the accident, there is a void of 24-25 days, she has no recall of that time period.

Ronne, her physical therapist, says Irena is strong and feisty, all the attributes necessary for a good recovery.

Hope and blessings. »
sur facebook, 8 décembre

Note du webmestre : rappels :
- Looking forward to the next step in Irena’s Ossola recovery, 25 novembre
- Santa Fe cyclist seriously injured in accident, 12 novembre

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