X2O Trofee Herentals
Belgique, 5 janvier 2022

1- Lucinda Brand, Baloise Trek Lions, 49m 56
2- Denise Betsema, Pauwels Sauzen - Bingoal, à 49 sec
3- Annemarie Worst, 777, à 59 sec
5- Maghalie Rochette, Specialized/Feedback Sports, à 2m 09
il y avait 31 concurrentes
Tous les résultats

Only 5 days into the year, and already 4 races done! Herentals was a great way to finish our trip, I was
tired, but used every bit of energy I had left to fight until the finish… and fighting hard for that 5th place
felt really good! And just like that, our European campaign is over! It was our most fun and most
successful trip so far! Now we fly home, rest a tiny bit, and then full gas until the Worlds!
photo de Bill Schieken affichée sur Instagram par Maghalie Rochette le 6 janvier 2022

Lisez : What made this our best Euro Campaign?, by Maghalie Rochette

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Pier-André Côté
photo affichée sur Instagram par Pier-André Côté